Physical Therapy

Get Your Body back to full strength

The Kenilworth Chiropractic team provides physical therapy care to help our patients eliminate their pain and get their bodies back to full strength. Below we have provided an overview of our physical therapy treatments and examples of the types of injuries and pain we use physical therapy to treat.

Physical Therapy treatment process

Dr. Baj's physical therapy treatment has helped thousands of patients and athletes quickly recover from their pain and injuries. Below is an overview of his approach.

What we Treat

We use physical therapy to treat a variety of pain and issues, including but not limited to the following:

Athletic Injuries

Sprains and Muscle Strains, Golf and Tennis Rehab, MCL/ACL Recovery, and Rotator Cuff Injuries

Athletic Injuries

Runner's Knee, Plantar Fasciitis, Tennis Elbow, Shin Splints, and IT Band Syndrome

Post Operation Recover

We use physical therapy to hep our patients quickly recover after surgery

Work Injury

Our physical therapy treatments help our patients recover from both desk and industrial related work industries

Balance & Fall Prevention

We improve our patient's balance and strength to prevent injuries from falling as they age

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